Friday, August 23, 2013

Lucas Reproduction Distributor Rotors

Beware of Lucas reproduction rotors that have the troublesome rivets that holds down the brass contact to the plastic body. These are known to short circuit causing misfiring or complete ignition failure. There is insufficient insulation ( on some versions only 1/16" plastic material ) between the bottom of the rivet and distributor shaft.
The original Lucas rotors brass contact was recessed or molded into the plastic body which did not provide a rivet.
I cut a few rotors in half along side the rivet and found that the distance between the base of the rivet to the distributor shaft was only 1/16". In that case, high voltage ignitions would easily short circuit across to the distributor shaft. Most reproduction rotors do not have an inner spring clip and could fit loosely on the shaft causing it to wobble. This will make contact with the distributor cap contacts, assuming the shaft bushing is not worn.

There are quality reproduction rotors available i.e.

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